Archives for posts with tag: itbs

Your friendly Chiropractor in Chandler AZ, Dr. Dan Rae, is back at the computer during the lunch hour try and crunch out the article on Popliteus Tendinitis.  You are probably thinking to yourself, “What is this guy talking about.  I have never heard of Popliteus Tendinitis.”  Well, it is a lot more common than you think.

Popliteus Tendinitis


The popliteus muscles acts an an internal rotator (rotates the knee inward) when the knee is non-weight bearing.  Furthermore, it plays a very important role in supporting the Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) and the Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL), preventing the femur from sliding forward over the tibia as well as preventing varus angulation (inward angulation of the distal segment of a bone or joint).  The popliteus muscles also pulls the posterior lateral meniscus backwards during knee flexion.

These patients generally come into my clinic complaining of symptoms almost identical to Iliotibial Band Syndrome, which is pain on the outer portion of the knee after running or walking downhill.  Many times this injury is confused with Iliotibial Band Syndrome, and the patient does not get better because he/she is being treated for the wrong injury.

Rest and ice is needed in the initial stage of the injury; however, they are quickly replaced by myofascial release techniques Active Release Technique (ART) and Graston Technique to prevent scar tissue formation and chronic shortening of the muscle.  Orthotics have also been shown to be beneficial in the prevention of this injury.

If you are struggling with Knee Pain, call my office today at (480) 366-4041.  We can Help!

Your friendly Chiropractor in Chandler AZ, Dr. Dan Rae, is back at the computer today moving down the leg a little bit to talk about Iliotibial Band Syndrome also known as ITB Syndrome or ITBS.  This is something that I would have to say that I see every single day in my office, and therefore, it needs to be addressed.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

In the image above by MendMeShop, we are clearly able to see the structures involved with Iliotibial Band Syndrome.  It is believed that the cause of this syndrome stems from a tight iliotibial band (ITB) that rubs against the lateral epicondyle of the femur when the knee is bent at approximately 30 to 40 degrees.  There are predisposing factors to this syndrome such as running downhill, hyperpronation (arches collapse and ankles roll in), or cycling without allowing the leg to become fully extended at the bottom of each rotation.

These patients come into my office complaining of pain on the outside of their (lateral) knee that has progressively increased with time.  The pain is almost related to running, but some individuals may develop it from sitting for long periods.  Downhill running seems to be the main cause and pain occurs just before the heel makes contact with the ground.  Some of my patients report a squeaking noise when bending and straightening the knee.

Treatment for Iliotibial Band Syndrome is not one of the most comfortable treatments.  In the acute phase rest and ice is necessary, but as soon as possible stretching and myofascial release techniques such as Active Release Technique (ART) and Graston Technique should be implemented to break up any fibrotic adhesions that may have developed between the ITB and the surrounding musculature.  Kinesiology Tape has also been shown to alleviate some on the tension being placed on the ITB.  In some cases orthotics are necessary to prevent hyperpronation.

If you are struggling with Knee Pain, call my office today at (480) 366-4041.  We can Help!